Inheritance in C# with Real-Time Example

Inheritance is a fundamental concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows for the creation of new classes based on existing ones. In C#, inheritance promotes code reusability and establishes a hierarchical relationship between classes, which can lead to more efficient and manageable code. It works on the principle of the parent-child relationship, also known as base and derived classes, where derived classes inherit fields, properties, methods, and events from the base class, and can also have their own unique members.

Inheritance in C# is a fundamental object-oriented programming concept that allows a class, known as a derived class, to inherit fields, properties, methods, and events from another class, known as a base class. This mechanism promotes code reuse and establishes a hierarchical relationship between classes, enabling more complex behaviors to be built upon simpler ones.

C# provides a clear and structured syntax for implementing inheritance, which enforces type safety and provides mechanisms to control visibility and behavior through access modifiers like public, protected, and private. This language’s support for inheritance extends to interfaces as well, where classes can inherit from multiple interfaces to implement polyformic behaviors. Through the use of inheritance, developers can enhance code by adding additional features to existing classes without modifying them directly.

Inheritance in C#

Inheritance in C# is a fundamental object-oriented programming concept allowing developers to create new classes that reuse, extend, and modify the behavior of existing classes. It enables a class to inherit the fields and methods of another class. In C#, the base class represents an existing code, while the derived class is the one that inherits from this base class.

Key Concepts:

  • Base Class: Also known as the parent or superclass, it is the class whose properties and methods get inherited.
  • Derived Class: Referred to as the child or subclass, it inherits from the base class.
  • : Operator: Used to specify that a class inherits from another class.
  • base Keyword: Allows access to the base class members that are hidden by similarly named members in the derived class.

Example of Syntax:

public class BaseClass
    public int baseNumber;
    // Base Class methods and properties

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    public int derivedNumber;
    // Additional methods and properties

Benefits of Inheritance:

  1. Reusability: Code from the base class can be reused in derived classes.
  2. Extensibility: New functionality can be added to derived classes.
  3. Polymorphism: Derived classes can override or extend the functionalities of base classes.

The derived class can override base class methods by using the override modifier, thus providing new implementations for base methods when needed. Moreover, inheritance supports the creation of a hierarchal classification of classes. Proper application of inheritance leads to well-structured and robust code.

Understanding Inheritance in C#: The Basics

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows one class to inherit the properties and methods of another. It promotes code reuse and establishes a natural hierarchy between classes.

Defining Inheritance

Inheritance in C# enables a class, known as a derived class, to inherit fields, properties, and methods from another class, referred to as a base class. This relationship means that the derived class includes all the non-private members of the base class, thereby extending its functionality.

Key aspects of inheritance:

  • Single Inheritance: In C#, a class can only inherit from a single base class.
  • Access Modifiers: Members with the public or protected access modifier are inherited by the derived class.
  • Constructor Inheritance: Constructors are not inherited, but the derived class can call base class constructors.

Types of Inheritance in C#

C# supports several types of inheritance, each used to achieve different design goals within an application.

Inheritance types in C#:

  1. Single Inheritance: A class inherits from one base class.
  2. Multilevel Inheritance: Involves a chain of class inheritance where a class inherits from a derived class, making it a base class for another class.
  3. Hierarchical Inheritance: Multiple classes inherit from a single base class.

Note: Multiple inheritance (a class inheriting from more than one class) is not supported directly in C#, but it can be achieved through interfaces.

Implementing Inheritance in C#

In C#, inheritance is a fundamental OOP concept that allows the creation of a new class based on an existing class. The new class, known as the derived class, inherits fields, properties, and methods from the existing class, termed as the base class.

Creating Base and Derived Classes

In C#, a base class is defined in the same way as any other class, using the class keyword. A derived class is created by following the class name with a colon (:) and the name of the base class it inherits from. For example, if one has a base class Animal, a derived class Dog inherits from Animal like so:

public class Animal
    public void Breathe()
        // Implementation for breathing

public class Dog : Animal
    public void Bark()
        // Implementation for barking

This results in Dog having both Breathe and Bark methods.

Here is a complete C# code of inheritance in C#.

using System;

public class Animal
    public void Breathe()
        Console.WriteLine("Animal is breathing.");

public class Dog : Animal
    public void Bark()
        Console.WriteLine("Dog is barking.");

class Program
    static void Main()
        Dog myDog = new Dog();

        // Dog can use both its own method and the inherited method from Animal
        myDog.Breathe(); // Inherited method
        myDog.Bark(); // Own method

Once you execute the code, you can see the output in the screenshot below. I have executed the code using a C# console application.

Inheritance in C#

Using the ‘base’ Keyword

The base keyword in C# is used to access members of the base class from within a derived class. It can be particularly useful when overriding methods or accessing base class constructors. Below is an example where base is used in the Dog class to call the base class version of a method:

public class Animal
    public virtual void Eat()
        Console.WriteLine("The animal eats.");

public class Dog : Animal
    public override void Eat()
        base.Eat(); // Calls Animal's Eat method
        Console.WriteLine("The dog eats dog food.");

Constructor Inheritance

Inheritance also applies to constructors. A derived class does not inherit the constructors of the base class. However, it can call the base class constructors using the base keyword like so:

public class Animal
    public Animal()
        // Base class constructor

public class Dog : Animal
    public Dog() : base()
        // Dog class constructor, calling the base class constructor first

In the example above, whenever a Dog object is instantiated, the Animal constructor is called first, then the Dog constructor is run.

Real-Time Example of Inheritance in C#

In the context of C# programming, inheritance establishes a relationship between a base class and derived classes, allowing for code reuse and the creation of more complex systems efficiently.

Designing a Class Hierarchy

When designing a class hierarchy, one begins with a base class. This class contains fields, properties, and methods that are common across all derived classes. For example, consider a base class named Animal. This class might hold information that all animals share, such as Age, Weight, and behaviors like Eat() and Sleep().

public class Animal
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public float Weight { get; set; }

    public void Eat()
        // Implementation for eating

    public void Sleep()
        // Implementation for sleeping

Next, derived classes are created that inherit from Animal, such as Bird and Mammal. These subclasses extend the base class with additional properties and methods specific to their category. For instance, Bird might add WingSpan, and Fly(), whereas Mammal could include FurLength, and a method LiveBirth().

public class Bird : Animal
    public float WingSpan { get; set; }

    public void Fly()
        // Implementation for flying

public class Mammal : Animal
    public float FurLength { get; set; }

    public void LiveBirth()
        // Implementation for giving birth

Applying Inheritance to a Project

Inheritance is applied in a project to promote code reuse and implement polymorphism. In a real-time scenario, a developer could create a VeterinaryClinicSystem where various types of animals receive treatment. The system can treat any Animal object, utilizing the base class’s methods without knowing the specific type of animal.

public void TreatAnimal(Animal animal)

    // Additional treatment procedures...

When TreatAnimal is called with a Bird or Mammal, C# handles these derived classes as Animal, but they still retain their specific features and behaviors. This is possible because Bird and Mammal are both types of Animal due to inheritance.

Bird parrot = new Bird { Age = 3, Weight = 0.5f, WingSpan = 0.75f };
Mammal dog = new Mammal { Age = 5, Weight = 16.0f, FurLength = 5.0f };

// Treat the parrot and the dog using the same method

By designing a class hierarchy with inheritance in mind, C# developers can make their code more organized and maintainable while still allowing for flexibility in object handling.

C# Inheritance and Access Modifiers

In C#, inheritance enables a class to receive properties and methods from a base class. How these members are accessed in inherited classes is determined by access modifiers.

Protected and Private Members

Protected members in a base class are accessible within the derived class but not from instances or other classes that are not part of the inheritance hierarchy. For example:

public class BaseClass
    protected int protectedMember;

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    public int GetProtectedMember()
        return protectedMember; // Accessible because it's protected

In contrast, private members are only accessible within the class they are declared and are not accessible by derived classes.

Internal Members and Accessibility

Members with the internal access modifier are accessible within the same assembly, which is useful for grouping classes that cooperate closely but should not be exposed beyond the assembly. Within the context of inheritance, if both the base and derived classes are in the same assembly, an internal member behaves similarly to a protected one:

public class BaseClass
    internal int internalMember;

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    public int GetInternalMember()
        return internalMember; // Accessible because it's internal within the same assembly

However, an internal member of a base class in a different assembly would not be accessible to a derived class in another assembly.

Advanced Concepts in C# Inheritance

In C#, advanced inheritance features like abstract classes and sealed modifiers play crucial roles in designing resilient and flexible applications.

Abstract Classes and Inheritance

In C#, an abstract class is a base class that cannot be instantiated and often includes abstract methods. These methods are declared but not implemented and must be overridden in derived classes. For example:

public abstract class Animal {
    public abstract void MakeSound();

public class Dog : Animal {
    public override void MakeSound() {

In this case, any class that inherits from Animal must implement the MakeSound method.

Sealed Classes and Methods

Sealed classes are used to prevent further inheritance. If a class is marked as sealed, it cannot be extended:

public sealed class Calculator {
    public int Add(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

Similarly, sealed methods prevent override in derived classes. When a method in a base class is declared as sealed, it disallows overriding that specific method in any subclass:

public class BaseClass {
    public virtual void Method1() { /* ... */ }
    public sealed override void Method2() { /* ... */ }

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass {
    public override void Method1() {
        // This is allowed.
    // Overriding Method2 would cause a compilation error

Best Practices for Using Inheritance

Inheritance in C# allows for the creation of a new class that reuses, extends, and modifies the behavior that is defined in another class. The following subsections outline when to employ inheritance and how to steer clear of common pitfalls.

When to Use Inheritance

  • Reuse of Code: Inheritance should be used when there is a clear hierarchical relationship, and the subclass can inherit methods and properties from the parent class, reducing redundancy.
  • Polymorphic Behavior: Use inheritance to implement polymorphic behavior which allows methods to perform differently based on the calling object’s type.


In C#, inheritance is a fundamental concept that enables code reusability and hierarchical classification. It is critical in the creation of an organized and maintainable codebase. With inheritance, developers can create a generic class, known as a base class, and later extend it to more specialized classes, referred to as derived classes.

Core Points:

  • Derived classes inherit from base classes.
  • Base classes provide a foundation which can be extended or modified.
  • Inheritance supports the creation of a hierarchical structure in class design.
  • The use of polymorphism allows for more dynamic code.

In this C# tutorial, I have explained in detail how to work with inheritance in C# with real examples.

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