In this C#.Net tutorial, we will discuss how to create a GUID in C#.Net programmatically as well as using Visual Studio 2017/2019/2015.
Sometimes you may need to pass a GUID to a function or maybe sometimes, you need to create a GUID and pass the GUID at runtime.
Here I will show you both the ways how to create a GUID in C#.Net.
Video Tutorial: Create GUID programmatically using C#
I have also created a video tutorial on how to create a GUID programmatically using C#. This video tutorial explains different ways to create a GUID in C#.Net. Learn how to create a GUID from Visual Studio, how to Create GUID programmatically using C#.Net. how to generate GUID without a hyphen in, how to c# generate guid with a specific length. How to generate guid in And how to generate guid from a string in c#.
Create GUID from Visual Studio
Now, we will see how we can create a GUID using visual studio (any version).
Open Visual Studio and then click on Tools -> Create GUID like below:
This will open the Create GUID dialog box where you can create different types of GUIDs. You can use the Copy, New GUID buttons to copy or create a new GUID.
Create GUID programmatically using C#.Net
Now we will see how to create a GUID programmatically using C#.Net using the System.GUID class.
For this, you can create any application, but for this particular example, I have created a Windows application.
To create a Windows Application using visual studio, open your visual studio 2017, File -> New -> Project.
Then select Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) which is under Visual C# -> Windows Desktop.
In the windows application, I have added a button and a label. On the button click, we are generating the GUID and displaying in the label.
Below is the code to create GUID which I have added in the button click.
private void btnCreateGUID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
lblResult.Text = "New GUID Is: " + guid.ToString();
Once you run the application and click on the button, it will display the GUID in the label like below:
Does your GUID is generating like {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}?
If your GUID is generating like below:
Then check your code, you must have been written like below:
Guid guid = new Guid();
Replace the above line with the below line.
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
generate GUID without hyphen
We can also create a GUID without a hyphen. You can modify the code like below:
private void btnCreateGUID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
lblResult.Text = "New GUID Is: " + guid.ToString("N");
Here, I have just used the “N” format, there are also, other formats we can use like D, B, P, X, you can check this MSDN article for more information.
Or you can just do a string replace method, to replace the hyphen with empty like below:
private void btnCreateGUID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
lblResult.Text = "New GUID Is: " + guid.ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
Now, your GUID without a hyphen will appear like below:
This is how we can create a Guid without dashes Using C#.Net.
c# generate guid with specific length
Sometimes, you may get to generate a GUID with a specific length. Suppose you want to send a random password (15 character length), then you can generate the GUID like below:
private void btnCreateGUID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
lblResult.Text = "New GUID Is: " + guid.ToString("N").Substring(0, 15);
Once you click on the button, it will display a random GUID of 15 character length.
generate guid in c#
If you are getting any requirement to generate guid in c#, then you can use the same Guid class to generate the guid programmatically as below:
Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
string newguid=guid.ToString();
The only difference is that we are writing the code inside an webform application.
C# generate guid from string
We can also create or generate guid from string by using MD5 Class from Microsoft.
The ComputeHash method of MD5 will take a string and returns the hash as a 32-character, hexadecimal-formatted string.
Below is the full code to generate guid from string in c#.
Make sure to write the below, using statement.
using System.Security.Cryptography;
private void btnCreateGUID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string mystring = "BijayKumar";
MD5 md5Hasher = MD5.Create();
byte[] data = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(mystring));
Guid guid = new Guid(data);
lblResult.Text = guid.ToString();
The output will look like below:
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- Disable or Hide minimize maximize and close buttons in windows form
- How to create a folder if not exist in C#.Net
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- How to Format Numbers Without Commas in C#?
This C#.Net, we learned how to create a GUID using visual studio. Also, we saw how to generate a GUID programmatically using C#.Net.
Also, we saw how to if the GUID is generating in {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} format. Also, we saw how to generate GUID without a hyphen and how to generate guid with specific length in C#.Net?
Bijay Kumar is a renowned software engineer, accomplished author, and distinguished Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) specializing in SharePoint. With a rich professional background spanning over 15 years, Bijay has established himself as an authority in the field of information technology. He possesses unparalleled expertise in multiple programming languages and technologies such as ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, C#.NET, and SharePoint, which has enabled him to develop innovative and cutting-edge solutions for clients across the globe. Read more…