C#.Net Class Naming Conventions Tutorial With Examples

In this C#.Net tutorial, we’ll be discussing conventions for naming classes, variables, properties, members, fields, and libraries in C#. Basically, we will cover everything on C#.Net Class Naming Conventions with examples.

Here is a summary table of C# class naming conventions:

ElementNaming ConventionExample
ClassPascalCasepublic class MyClass {}
VariablecamelCaseprivate int myVariable;
PropertyPascalCasepublic int MyProperty { get; set; }
Member (private)underscore + camelCaseprivate int _myMember;
Member (public)PascalCasepublic int MyMember;
Fieldunderscore + camelCaseprivate int _myField;
Class Library (Namespace)Company.Product.Module (PascalCase)namespace CompanyName.ProductName.ModuleName {}

Remember, the first letter of identifiers in PascalCase is capitalized, while in camelCase, it is lowercase. For private members and fields, we often use an underscore prefix.

Why Naming Conventions Matter

Consistency is crucial in any programming language. Good naming conventions help make your code more readable, maintainable, and easier to understand by others (and even by your future self). It’s important to stick to these conventions, especially when working in a team, as they provide a set of standards to follow.

C#.Net Class Naming Convention

Classes in C# are named using PascalCase. This means that the first letter of each word in the class name is capitalized.


public class MyClass {}

In this example, “MyClass” is the name of the class. Note that each word’s first letter is capitalized. Class names should also be nouns or noun phrases, and not verbs.

C# Class Variable Naming Convention

The naming convention for variables in C# is camelCase. This means that the first letter of the first word is lower case, but the first letter of each subsequent word is upper case.


public class MyClass
    private int myVariable;

In this example, “myVariable” is the name of a variable. It starts with a lower case letter, and the first letter of each subsequent word is capitalized.

C#.Net Class Property Naming Convention

C# property names follow the same PascalCase convention as class names.


public class MyClass
    public int MyProperty { get; set; }

In this example, “MyProperty” is the name of a property. Note that each word’s first letter is capitalized.

C# Class Member Naming Convention

In C#, member variables (or fields) are usually prefixed with an underscore and follow the camelCase convention.


public class MyClass
    private int _myField;

In this example, “_myField” is the name of a member variable. It starts with an underscore, followed by a lowercase letter, and the first letter of each subsequent word is capitalized.

Public members of a class use PascalCase, without an underscore:

public class MyClass
    public int MyField;

C#.Net Class Field Naming Convention

Class fields are typically named using camelCase, often with an underscore prefix. This helps distinguish them from local variables.


public class MyClass
    private int _myField;

In this example, “_myField” is a private field. It’s prefixed with an underscore and uses camelCase.

C# Class Library Naming Convention

The naming convention for a class library in C# follows the Company.Product.Module pattern and is PascalCase.


namespace CompanyName.ProductName.ModuleName
    // Code goes here...

In this example, “CompanyName.ProductName.ModuleName” is the name of a class library. Each segment is capitalized, and each word within those segments is also capitalized.

C#.Net Class Naming Conventions Example

Here is a complete example that demonstrates all of these naming conventions in a C# class:

// Namespace (Class library)
namespace Company.Product.Module
    // Class name
    public class Customer
        // Private field (member variable)
        private int _id;

        // Public field (not commonly used)
        public string PublicField;

        // Property
        public string Name { get; set; }

        // Variable inside a method (local variable)
        public void SetId(int newId)
            int myVariable = newId;
            _id = myVariable;

        // Accessing the private field through a property
        public int Id
            get { return _id; }
            private set { _id = value; }

In this example:

  • Company.Product.Module is the namespace (class library).
  • Customer is the class.
  • _id is a private field (also a member variable).
  • PublicField is a public field (not commonly used, but included for completeness).
  • Name is a property.
  • newId and myVariable are variables within the SetId method.
  • Id is a property that encapsulates the _id field, providing a way to get its value and privately set it.
C#.Net Class Naming Conventions
C#.Net Class Naming Conventions


Adhering to the established C#.Net Class Naming Conventions significantly enhances the readability, maintainability, and overall quality of your code. By employing a consistent naming strategy, you aid others in understanding your code, whether they’re colleagues working on the same project or other developers who may come across your work in the future.

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